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Journal Articles and Policy Reports (Selected)


  • “Evaluating Russia’s pivot to Asia,” Yale Journal of International Affairs, Volume 15 (Spring 2020)

  • “Trends in Chinese investment in Central and Eastern Europe,” Europe in Flux, Issue 1 (Spring 2020)

  • “Strategies for post-Brexit UK international agricultural trade relations” (With Vincent H. Smith), American Enterprise Institute, April 27, 2018

  • “Italy’s risks to the eurozone” (With Desmond Lachman), American Enterprise Institute, February 20, 2018

  • “Does Italy pose a threat to the global economy?” (With Desmond Lachman), American Enterprise Institute, September 13, 2016


Articles and Op-Eds (Selected)


  • "US food aid’s costly problem: why it’s time to eliminate cargo preference” (With Vincent H. Smith), Foreign Affairs, November 2, 2016

  • “Brazil’s burgeoning crisis should matter to Americans,” Real Clear Markets, June 8, 2018

  • "Why expert economic forecasts are often wrong” (With Peter J. Wallison), International Economy, Summer 2018

  • “What Brexit means for the U.K.’s agricultural trade relations” (With Vincent H. Smith), AEIdeas, April 27, 2018

  • “Trump’s Twitter tirades just fuel the left’s rise in Mexico” (With Desmond Lachman), The Hill, April 3, 2018

  • "Engaging China to address the North Korean security threat,” Charged Affairs, March 19, 2018

  • “The Trump Administration needs to pay more attention to the dollar’s strength,” US News & World Report, April 6, 2017

  • “Japan’s economic woes for 2020 goals,” Charged Affairs, March 3, 2017

  • “A great America deserves a great international food aid policy” (With Vincent H. Smith), The Hill, August 29, 2016

  • “No more dime for Metro—yet” (With Paul H. Kupiec), The Washington Post, June 3, 2016

  • “Make it a graceful Brexit: it’s not in the E.U.’s economic and long-term interests to punish Britain over the Brexit vote,” U.S. News & World Report, June 30, 2016

Presentations and Conference (Selected)


  • "Foreign policy in an election year," University of New Haven (Panelist), March 3, 2020, New Haven, CT

  • "Trends in Chinese investment in central and eastern Europe," Yale European Studies Council Graduate Fellows Conference, December 6, 2019, New Haven, CT (Chair and Panelist)

  • “Eurasian Economic Union’s trade relations with China, India, and the ASEAN,” Eurasia Center, Inter-American Defense Board, Washington, DC, March 19, 2019 (Panelist)

  • “U.S.-China trade war and the BRICS,” Eurasia Center, Washington, DC, May 17, 2018 (Panelist)

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