Professional Experience
Fox International Fellow, the Institut d'Études Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po), Paris, France (remote due to COVID-19) (Oct. 2020-Present)
Managing Editor, Yale Journal of International Affairs (Aug. 2019-Aug. 2020)
Fellow, Stanford U.S.-Russia Forum (Aug. 2019-Aug. 2020)
Teaching Fellow, Understanding Global Change through History, Yale Jackson Institute, New Haven, CT (Jan. 2020-May 2020)
Research Assistant to Odd Arne Westad, Yale University, New Haven, CT (Sep. 2019-Dec. 2020)
European Studies Graduate Fellow, Yale MacMillan Center, New Haven, CT (September 2018-May 2020)
Harold W. Rosenthal Fellow in U.S. Congress (Office of Congressman Scott Perry), Washington, DC (May 2019-July 2019)
Teaching Fellow, China and the World, Department of East Asian Studies and Literature, Yale University, New Haven, CT (Jan. 2019-May 2019)
Teaching Fellow, Quantitative Analysis, Yale Jackson Institute, New Haven, CT (Aug. 2018-Dec. 2018)
Staff Writer, Charged Affairs, Washington, DC (July 2017 to April 2018)
Consultant, Compass Pro-Bono Strategic Business Consulting, Washington, DC (Jan. 2017-June 2018)
Economic Policy Researcher, American Enterprise Institute, Washington, DC (June 2015-June 2018)
Academic Background
MA in Global Affairs, Yale University (Aug. 2018-May 2020)
Graduate Certificate of Concentration in European Studies, Yale University MacMillan Center (Aug. 2018-May 2020)
BA in Economics, Kenyon College (Aug. 2011-May 2015)
Visiting Student, Hertford College, Oxford University (Sep. 2013-June 2014)
Language Student, Chinese Language Institute (CLI), Guilin, China (Remote) (May 2020-Present)
Language Proficiency
English and Bengali (bilingual proficiency)
French and German (working proficiency)
Mandarin Chinese, Hindi, and Russian (intermediate proficiency)